dock cleat rod holder

The beginning, how this started…late June, 2023…

Our adult kids love fishing off of our dock at the lake. They love it, their friends love it, we even have a miniature Schnauzer that loves it! My wife and I love it too; we enjoy seeing everyone having a great time fishing. Sounds like unicorns and rainbows, right? But, there is a rub. When we want to enjoy the dock space for leisure lounging, obstacles abound. I’ll try to paint the picture. Envision 4-6 people fishing multiple line sets per person using most of the (8) plastic Adirondack dock chairs as rod rests. Yep, rods and lines everywhere all across the dock.

“Necessity is the mother of invention” - I asked the oldest kid a question like, “Wouldn't it be awesome to have fishing rod holders at the cleat locations on the dock?” He was intrigued. I think he saw a potential fishing benefit. I saw a way to claw back some dock space. Seemed like a win-win opportunity. After brainstorming for a bit, I asked him to see what suitable products were available online. He comes back with nothing. At least nothing close to what we want. That set it in motion. I told him that we’ll make one. I won’t bore you with the process, but the end result is our dock and pier cleat rod holder that we’re calling "Dock-It Fisher". "Dock-It Fisher" is a double rod holder designed for easy installation onto most all dock and pier cleats. After using several on our own dock since June, 2023, family and friends agree that "Dock-It Fisher" frees up dock space AND helps catch fish. Win-win!

Thanks for reading and please check out "Dock-It Fisher" on our product catalog page. What The Fish Fishing Gear by CMBH, LLC.

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